21 January 2011

Changing my name!

Today I went and changed my name on my license. I no longer have the I'm-really-angry-cos-I-just-scraped-and-dinted-the-bottom-of-my-new-car-because-of-the-massive-pothole-in-the-driveway-of-the-RTA-shouldn't-the-RTA-of-all-people-have-a-decent-driveway??? photo on my license. Actually, I have a half decent photo!

Going to head out shopping later today and A has requested raspberry semifreddo for dessert so I'm going to try out my new Donna Hay recipe book (another Kris-Kringle score). I'll try to remember to take a photo if it works out!


Sammie said...

Well done! You did that quickly!
I only changed my license at Christmas.
I went from having a great photo to now having a crap one.
Oh well...

Christie said...

I did do it fairly quickly a) so I could get a new photo and b) so I had some photo and address ID to open up our joint bank account!