28 February 2012

Garden round up - the bad and the ugly

Ugh. So tired. So busy at work. I must have really annoyed someone last year to be given 6 classes and two subjects I've not taught before when I'm only around for a term. I'm spending so much time on preparation it's crazy. Anyhow, it's time to pull out the other half of the garden round up I typed a couple of weeks back.

- Capsicum - One capsicum on the plant. Same thing happened last year so I think it may be about the Canberra growing season more than anything else.
- Zucchini - Plant didn't grow well. Two zucchini to date, although it looks as though it's picked up in the last couple of weeks so there may be more yet.
- Butternut Pumpkin - was mown over by A in it's early days - opps. Despite this, there is one pumpkin growing well. Like the zucchini, it seems to have picked up in the last week or so, so maybe there'll be more!
- Radish - very small harvest for amount planted.
- Strawberry - we got one strawberry each. They were fantastically delicious. I think the chooks and birds may have enjoyed more than we did.

Complete failures
- Spring Onion - I put the seeds in, nothing came up!
- Coriander - grew but went to seed without producing a significant amount of leaves.
- Eggplant - overwhelmed by giant tomato plants. Had flowers but never set fruit.

Yet to be judged
- Self seeded pumpkin next to chook pen. The vine is huge. It's taking over the back fence - probably the only thing holding the fence up if I'm honest! There are about 4 or 5 pumpkins growing with many more flowers. Fingers crossed!
- Chilli - lots of little chillies, should be able to test them out in the next couple of weeks.
- Celery - Growing...we'll see
- Beetroot - growing well, just picked the first one the other day and it was delicious. I reckon these will be moving up to the 'success' list!

Any recommendations for the winter growing season?


Sammie said...

Good on you! I wish I had the room... And patience for a vegi patch!

Yaeli said...

Yum! Celery! I've been thinking about celeriac for the past week or so!

In The Night Sky said...

We've noticed that things we plant for the first time (like eggplant this year) do really well whereas other things like cucumbers, which we were overwhelmed with last year, weren't as prolific this year. I wonder if companion planting has anything to do with how abundant the crop is? Our capsicums and chillis are great though.