08 February 2012

Costume starting with A? and other things.

A is turning 30 on Friday and we're having a birthday BBQ dinner with an 'A' theme. That's all very well, he's all excited and organised to come as a character from Avatar - blue morphsuit and all! I, on the other hand am not a costume party kind of girl. I generally avoid them like the plague so I have no idea what to wear! I've suggested being 'A's wife' and 'a pregnant lady' but apparently they don't cut it!

Anyone got a better idea than 'astronaut', 'Albus Dumbledore' or 'apple'?

Apple was my dad's suggestion after seeing a my 22 week belly pic - thanks Dad! Oh yeah, and I have to be able to put it together for THIS Friday. While you're at it, if you have any good 30th gift ideas, that'd be great too. Nothing like having 6 weeks of holidays I could have used to work this out but leaving it until now!

Work has started for real and is going well, tiring, but well. The last two nights I've woken up with leg cramps and I'm really hoping they are just happening because my body is not used to all the standing and walking and stairs and that it's not a pregnancy symptom that is here to stay!

We got a bathroom quote. Are you sitting down? $39,000!!!!! Who are these people kidding??? How hard is it to remove a wall, put in a few pipes and slap up some tiles???? Ok, so I know I'm over simplifying things here but I didn't think what we had planned was that complex. Needless to say we'll be going back for a 'third time lucky' quote. The first one we got was $25,000 and we thought that was steep!

Finally, here's the cheekiest chicken saying hello through the (horrendously dirty) kitchen window. I was surprised and a bit concerned that she could get up there as it's a fair way from the ground and higher than our fences so I know she could get over them too if she wanted!

Dear Chicken, please do not take to visiting the neighbours yards when I'm not looking. They have dogs! Big ones!

Hope your week is going well!


Sammie said...

I am crap with theme birthdays and events and avoid them like the plague! Only one I ever did good at was an 80's theme 40th I had once before...
A - I have NO IDEA. Sorry. no help.

Now, as far as bathroom's go... S F S F S F!!!! (Those letters stand for swear words...)

Nothing for the chickens... Sorry. scared of birds here...

In The Night Sky said...

SHUT THE FRONT DOOR! $39k! Is it going to be solid gold? I'd be looking for another quote too. We need to do our bathroom too but I think it might be a little way off if that's the kind of price we're looking at!
Sorry not much help with a costume - how about going as the letter A?

Yaeli said...

What a cheeky chook!
Your bathroom reno could be the deposit for a new house... You might as well become a property magnate!

Costume with "a" that is quick and easy... Hmmm.... You could carry some rolled up papers and a set square and be an architect! Or you could buy some austraiana get up and be an Aussie!