07 September 2010

While we were away...

Last weekend we left Axel in the care of the neighbours. They were happy to pop over and feed him so we left two packets of food on top of the washing machine. When we got home on Sunday night there was only one box there. A and I were wondering what on earth had happened to the other bag. It was just about full so surely the cat sitters hadn't fed him ALL of it??? He didn't look much fatter. It was a mystery.

Later that night A stepped on a couple of pieces of cat food in the hallway. We swept it up and thought nothing of it.

Monday morning I go into one of our spare rooms and stand on something. Cat food. What the...??? One more step, more cat food. Axel comes in slinks behind the futon and starts crunching away. I look around at him and see the once full bag of cat food in shreds. The floor is covered in cat food. Clearly the thought of his favourite food was just too much! Did he really have to destroy it in the only carpeted room in the house though?!

Axel the Destroyer - He may look innocent but it's all part of his cunning plan!


Sammie said...

A cat with character! Love it!

Mrs T said...

He looks guilty!