05 September 2010

Getting closer

2 months to go!

After a 2.5 hour delay (thanks cheap airline with striped animal mascot) we flew to Melbourne to get some things sorted.

I got to pick up my dress. Very exciting. No crazy pre-wedding diet required, it fits perfectly.

Went to the reception venue, met the bloke in charge (and he is a bit of a bloke) but knows what he's doing. Had an early Father's Day lunch there. Good food, how do you pick a menu when you want to pick every option, particularly the desserts???

Met the pastor and had a chat about the ceremony (interesting, not entirely sure if he's going to marry us after all as he was not very approving of the fact that there will be alcohol at the reception.....it's ok though, we have a back up plan).

Went to A's 10 year high school reunion and stayed with good friends who are getting hitched just a couple of weeks after us.

Had a hair trial (but not makeup - the girl who was going to do it for me can't get off work on the wedding day so back to square one with that).

Had lunch with Grandma, who we're not sure will make it to November as she's been diagnosed with cancer in her spine, breast and possibly stomach. Really hoping she'll be there as she's my only remaining grandparent. She really wants to be there too and seemed to be well today so here's hoping!

Flew home. Flights are NOT relaxing when the pilot takes two goes to take off (thanks again, cheap airline with striped animal mascot). Really hoping we booked a different airline for the real wedding weekend!

1 comment:

Sammie said...

Well I have to say... I REFUSE to fly with that particular airline you are talking about. Flat our REFUSE.
Love and hugs to you and hope everything is ok with your grandmother. Very sad.