25 May 2012

Day 15

Taking a leaf out of The Block's book. We have a day count on our bathroom wall. We are at 15. If we get to 50 (what the block was at last night) I think I'll cry!

So far we've filled the hole with new concrete, removed and replaced one of the windows, built the stud wall to seperate the new laundry space from the bathroom and measured and planned where everything is going.

We've got another big weekend ahead to get ready for the electrician on Monday and plumber on Tuesday.

Really hope the weather improves as I'm typing this I'm trying to decide if I can see little rain drops being blown about in the wind or if they are little snowflakes that are melting just before they hit the ground! Brrr. Doesn't bode well for creating a whopping big hole in the back of your house! Even if you do plan on filling it up in the same day!


Michelle {Jarrah Jungle} said...

You'll get there don't stress. I have tarpolines on my roof so feel your pain about the weather - fingers crossed the sun keeps shining for us :)
Iv had no tv ariel for about a month due to the garage extension so cant watch the block - its killing me! I have foxtel but sadly its not shown on there :(

Christie said...

No Block?! I don't think I'd survive. I'm totally addicted! Hope the weather does hold for you. It's still cold today but not snow/sleeting so that's a plus!