01 March 2011

Busy, busy, busy...

We talked about this clip this morning in our team meeting. The fact that this year seems to have started like all the people who didn't stop. The fact that we get so swept up in the start of year craziness of setting assignments, planning lessons, marking and providing feedback for parents that we don't have (or take?) the time to stop and appreciate the really beautiful, good things that are happening.

So the rest of this week I am consciously trying to stop and appreciate. Take a second to stand back and watch. To really listen when people speak. Right now, this seems like a difficult task. It shouldn't be and it makes me a little sad that that's the first thought that came into my head!

I really want to tell all about the new carpet and the backyard developments but I think doing so today would take away from what I've just said. I'll save it for the weekend. And by then I'll have some photos ready to go too.

Hope you are all well.

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