04 December 2010

7 things

So, Sammie from Marriage, Renovations and... was kind enough to give me a versatile blogger award - thanks! Though I'm not sure I really deserve it! Perhaps an 'unreliable blogger' award would be more apt? For us, November held two weddings, two funerals and the writing of 150 or so school reports. I'm glad it's over and in an effort to get back on the blogging horse I'm writing down my 7 things.

1. In four days I'll be on holidays for 8 weeks! 8 weeks people, that's two whole months! 2 weeks honeymooning, 1 week with family for christmas and then 5 more weeks to do things around home that were totally neglected for most of the year due to Operation Wedding. Oh, the things I could do!

2. If I were stuck on a remote island and could only have 2 types of fruit and vegies I would choose sweet potato, corn, golden queen peaches and pomegranate.

3. I've climbed the highest mountain in South East Asia - Mt Kinabalu in Borneo. It was awesome. I should write about it some time!

4. I love lists - particularly crossing things off them! I love this to the point that sometimes, if I do something that I didn't put on the list, I'll write it on afterwards just so I can cross it off!

5. I wish I was able to make wonderful arty/crafty things. There's so much beautiful stuff out there.  I'm more of a starter and less of a finisher so until I deal with that it's not going to happen!

6. I love to read and I have many favourites but the top 3 are... The Book Thief by Markus Zusak, A Fine Balance by Rohinton Mistry, The Dressmaker by Rosalie Ham and I love To Kill a Mockingbird too. Ok, let's make that 4 favorites.

7. I'm excited to start a family (or start trying to). Thanks to a comment in the wedding speech, the in-laws have a pool going that there'll be a little A by next Christmas. I guess we'll just have to wait and see!

As I don't have 7 people to pass this on to, I'm going to leave it open. If you stumble across this and want to introduce yourself and tell me 7 things go ahead, I'll come and read it and leave you a message!

And finally, just because, here's another wedding photo taken by a wonderful guest (who was also kind enough and cluey enough to video our bridal dance - thank you, thank you, thank you)!


Sammie said...

8 weeks holiday!!! Jealous over her much??? Hell Yes!
Loving the wedding photos! Beautiful!

Jo said...

Lucky! I have professional development for next week, and then professional development for 4 Jan - school goes back. Very envious of your school break!

This photo is gorgeous!

Ps: I had the bet thing in our wedding speech, too. I've got everything crossed it will happen soon (for you too - as long as that's what you want :))