29 May 2010

Rainy Saturday

I'm loving the sound of the rain this morning, it's relaxing today. 4 weeks ago it would have been stressful. A couple of months ago we got someone around to give us a quote to sand and polish our floorboards (which like most things in the house had been DIYed averagely by owners past). He took one look at them and said "I'd love to say I could do them next week but...." and went on to explain that the ground under the house is damp and this is causing the floorboards to curl up a bit at the sides. We could sand them flat but the same thing would happen again. We'd need to do something about the drainage to stop the rainwater run-off resurfacing under the house. Back to the drawing board...

So a couple of weekends hard labour (harder for A than me), a bloke with a trencher, a long piece of ag pipe and a pile of gravel later we now have a drain around the front of the house that *should* fix the problem. We won't know for 3 - 6 months if it has worked but there's no water sitting along the front of the house today so it must be going somewhere.

So today I can enjoy the sound of the rain, the cat on my knee and think about A who is out doing a 100km mountain bike ride. In the rain.

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