Work is finished!
The bathroom has begn!
Because work has finished I don`t have a computer for the foreseeable future. I`m trying to work out how to get blogger to be effective on an iPad. Posts might continue to be short and sweet and irregular until then!
For the moment though, I`m 33 weeks pregnant and without a toilet! Who decided that was a good idea? Lucky we have friendly neighbors! A is doing an awesome job so far, he`s been working flat out since he got home so all being well, we should`t be toilet-less for too long.
Wish us luck!
Goodness! Thank god for neighbors exactly!
33 weeks! Wow! Are you finished work or still back for a bit after the holiday?
Hope it all goes smoothly and you get your toilet back soon!
Thank you! Going well so far, just a bit more waiting for drying time than we hoped!
Sammie, it is holidays but I'm not going back afterwards - it's just too disruptive for the kids - better that they have a fresh start at the beginning of term.
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