15 January 2013

Wrapping it up...

When I first started reading blogs I used to be a bit uncomfortable about bloggers who just disappeared. Normal post one day, gone the next. There was, for me, always an element of concern and hope that no dreadful fate had befallen them. This being said, I'm acutely aware that I'm at risk of just dropping out of the blogosphere in the same way!

So here's were I am at. J is now 7 months old! Where did the time go? He is still a terrible sleeper but he's an absolute delight during the day. He's started crawling around the place and getting into EVERYTHING!

Motherhood so far has been the most challenging and all consuming thing I have ever done, I suppose that is to be expected and a good thing.

I have until July off work. I know I'll blink and it'll be here. So, reflected in my lack of posts is my desire to be making the most of this time and that means I am moving on from some things that used to be important to me. This is one of them. Renovations are another. Given this was a blog that I wanted to first and foremost be about the house and renos it makes sense to bring it to a close now.

I know I am yet to show off our beautiful bathroom and I'm going to boast and say it deserves showing off so I'll do that before I shut up shop. I'm also thinking that I'll check out Blurbs 'Blog to Book' function so I can keep this, in hard copy, as a diary of sorts.

I guess that I just wanted to say I'm finishing up here but all is well, wonderful in fact. I just have other things to do. So, thanks for joining me on the journey this blog has recorded over the last couple of years and stay tuned for one final renovation post.